A collection of all kinds of things. Neither accept - nor reject! ENJOY ! Even though I try to give credit for all the images shown here - unfortunately I lost track of where I found most of those images. They all come from the depth of the World Wide Web ... and they are believed to be public domain. If you find an image which should not be here - please let me know. I will remove it immediately.
Montag, Januar 30, 2006
Donnerstag, Januar 26, 2006
Dienstag, Januar 24, 2006
Donnerstag, Januar 19, 2006
Dienstag, Januar 17, 2006
The Dream Flag

In the early summer of 1980, while His Holiness, the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa was visiting Boulder, Colorado, I had the good fortune to be his personal seamstress. One morning he called me into his sitting room at Marpa House and showed me three small coloured pencil sketches of a flag. He told me (through a translator) that he had dreamed that “wherever this flag was flown, the Dharma would flourish”. He asked me to make one.
I sketched out on graph paper what I thought represented the complete symmetry of his drawings and confirmed my representation with him before proceeding to enlarge my pattern to accommodate a full-size flag. The first Dream Flag was raised on Midsummer’s Day. The Dharma has been flourishing ever since.
Deborah Luscomb
Montag, Januar 16, 2006

Rare Posters - i.e. Do IT - Jerry Rubin - leader of the Yippies in the 60th who nominated a pig for president (or Governer or mayor ... or some other electable choicelessness)
via MiraYCalla